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We are a family-owned funeral home that has served the communities of Ohio and West Virginia for over 100 years. Our goal is to provide all of the families we serve a respectful and dignified service at a fair price. Whether a traditional service or more contemporary-style service, we try to meet all the needs of the individuals and families we serve.

  • Gloria M. Seevers Hockenberry

    Gloria M. Seevers Hockenberry passed on to her eternal home in Heaven April 28, 2023 at 91 years of age. She was the first born of Harry O. and Hilma M. Myers Seevers, born October 12, 1931, at home in Reno.
    She married James Hockenberry on October 1, 1985. They shared 28 years together. She was preceded by her parents, husband, sister Mary M. Simmons and brothers, Charles T. Seevers and Larry O. Seevers.

    Date of Death: Fri, 04/28/2023 Services: Sat, 05/13/2023 11:00 am Read More
    Portrait of Gloria M. Seevers Hockenberry
  • Mabel M. Morgenstern

    Mabel M. Morgenstern, 99, passed away on April 23, 2023 at Marietta Memorial Hospital. She was born July 04, 1923, the only daughter of Grover and Bertha Hendershot.
    On June 23, 1946 she married the love of her life, Dean E. Morgenstern, who preceded her in death on May 15, 2011.

    Date of Death: Fri, 04/28/2023 Services: Sat, 05/06/2023 04:00 pm Read More
    Portrait of Mabel M. Morgenstern
  • Avalene McMahan Schultheis

    Avalene Goodnight McMahon Schultheis, 99, passed away peacefully on April 26,2023.
    She was born on September 26, 1923 to the late Charles and Sarah Goodnight. Avalene was employed by Memorial Health Systems until her retirement and was a member of the Marietta First Church of the Nazarene.

    Date of Death: Wed, 04/26/2023 No Services Planned at This Time Read More
  • Sallye Stewart Bom

    Sallye Stewart Bom passed away April 25, 2023 at her home. She was born in Logan, WV on May 18, 1927 to Myra Martin Stewart and Rev. Glenn W. Stewart.
    She graduated from Woodrow Wilson High School, Beckley, WV in 1945. She belonged to several clubs and had an outstanding memory of playing her accordion for the Wounded Vets at the Greenbrier many times. Sallye graduated from West Virginia University with a BA in 1949 and with a MA in 1951. The first week of college she met WVU football’s “atomic” Bom (Robert Bom) and they were married June 24, 1950. They shared a wonderful life together until his death in 1997. In college, she was President of Kappa Phi, Sweetheart of Sigma Phi Epsilon, and Sponsor of Scabbard and Blade. She sang in Mother’s Day Sings and was privileged to spend one summer caravanning in South Carolina with the Methodist Youth. Sallye taught in Big Creek High School in War, WV, in West Columbia Elementary in Columbia, SC and in La Rochelle, France.

    Date of Death: Tue, 04/25/2023 Services: Sat, 04/29/2023 10:30 am Read More
    Portrait of Sallye Stewart Bom
  • Opal M. Mendenhall

    Opal M. Mendenhall, 73, of Newport passed away at 12:15 am, Thursday, April 20, 2023, at Marietta Memorial Hospital. She was born on December 10, 1949, in Newport a daughter of George W. and Hazel Marie Tice Mendenhall.
    Opal was associated with the Newport Post Office and also worked in the office of Dr. Larry Gale. She enjoyed bowling and was a member of Newport Baptist Church.

    Date of Death: Thu, 04/20/2023 Services: Mon, 04/24/2023 11:00 am Read More
    Portrait of Opal M. Mendenhall
  • Diana Lynn Biehl Miller

    Diana Lynn Biehl Miller, 76, of Marietta (Pinehurst) went to be with the Lord at 9:29pm, Wednesday, April 19, 2023 in Pontiac, Michigan surrounded by her daughter and granddaughters. She was born on February 21, 1947 in Marietta a daughter of Beman G. and Mary Mills Biehl.
    Diana was a graduate of Marietta High School, Class of 1965, and from Ohio State Beauty School. She worked as a beautician and later retired from Warren Elementary School where she enjoyed working as a cook. She was a member of Washington Street Church of Christ and has also been very active in the Pinehurst Christian Church. She was a Master Gardener and had earlier volunteered for Warren Township Rescue. Diana was a very kind and loving person who loved her family and her many friends. She was very generous and always was willing to help others.

    Date of Death: Wed, 04/19/2023 Services: Tue, 04/25/2023 10:00 am Read More
    Portrait of Diana Lynn Biehl Miller
  • Wanda J. Parks

    Wanda J. Parks, 90, of Marietta passed away at 1:12 pm, Monday, April 17, 2023 at Marietta Memorial Hospital.
    She was born on January 1, 1933, in Bartlett a daughter of Charles and Martha Love Colerick. Wanda was a member of the Lower Paw Paw Church of Christ and had been employed as a cook for several locations.

    Date of Death: Mon, 04/17/2023 No Services Planned at This Time Read More